Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to all of you! Thanks for all the support for our concerts in 2016, that was a great Trio year. We are looking very much forward to an exciting year 2017, with a lot of great concerts and musical experiences. As the biggest and most exciting event in 2017, we are finally finishing our postgraduate diploma from the Soloist Class for Ensembles at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. We will have our final recital, our Debut Concert as we call it here in Denmark, on February 22nd 2017. Hope to see a lot of you there!

To celebrate the new year, we had a very festive New Years Concert in our chamber music society in Østerbro: Østerbro Koncertforening. Here we joined forces with our colleagues from Nordic String Quartet and Ensemble Nordlys, and my mixing the ensembles in different ways, we presented a variated and festive programme. Morten and Lucia represented the Trio, and you can see a picture from the concert below.